Artist or Musician? Let me capture your passion in a way that best promotes your talents.
1 hour session
15 images
1 x A5 Printed image (standard glossy)
Online gallery
2 hour session
25+ images
1 A4 size Printed Image (Premium Standard)
2 A5 size Printed images (standard glossy)
Online Gallery + USB
3 Hour Session
(can be divided into 2 for various locations, e.g. in studio or in training facility)
35+ images
1 album cover/tear sheet/advert flyer design for your services/talent
3 A5 size printed images (standard glossy)
Online Gallery + USB
£10 voucher for future bookings
From £400*
4 hour session - up to 2 locations
Video footage up to 15 minutes long
5 images
1 album cover/tear sheet/advert flyer design for your services/talent
Online Gallery
10% Discount on a blog feature
£10 voucher for future booking
Please note depending on the video requirements, editing may be charged as extra.
*As this service depends on your requirements, please enquire for price.